PC: Sky News

New fear Unlock: Trapdoor Spider

By Wisheslelo.com

Trapdoor spider: New giant species found in Australia

By Wisheslelo.com

PC: Bright Side

A super-sized species of trapdoor spiders found only in Queensland has been uncovered by Australian researchers.

By Wisheslelo.com

PC: Bug Under Glass

The females of this rarest species can survive for almost 20 years in the wild and grow up to 5cm long - huge in trapdoor spider norms.

By Wisheslelo.com

PC: Australian Museum

Relatively males grows up to 3cm.

By Wisheslelo.com

Scientists said that because so much of its habitat has been destroyed due to land clearing, it is likely to be an endangered species.

By Wisheslelo.com

PC: Bush Heritage Australia

This trapdoor spiders build "trap doors" out of leaves to feast on insects. They normally measure between 1.5cm to 3cm.

By Wisheslelo.com

PC: Sky News

Females of the type have a red-brown carapace, and dwell underground their entire lives.

By Wisheslelo.com

PC: Australian Museum

While males have a honey-red outer layer and grey-brown abdomens and  after five to seven years, males move on to another burrow in search of a mate.

By Wisheslelo.com


In Latin, its name implies diversity or greatness, reflecting the "amazing size and nature" of the spider, say experts from the Queensland Museum, 

By Wisheslelo.com

PC: Thrillist

The goliath birdeater, the largest spider in the world, has a body length of roughly 13 cm and a leg span of 30 cm, making it larger than a dinner plate.

By Wisheslelo.com